Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I Will Probably Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I Will Probably Never Read


I love this week’s prompt from the ladies over at The Broke and the Bookish, as let’s face it, even the most bookish of us have titles that we either have good intentions of getting to but always seem to drift to the bottom of the “to read” pile, or we have those ones that we are just well aware that we will never pick up unless we’re desperately stuck with nothing else to read. (Actually, I’m experiences a bit of that now, having traveled without proper bookage and am not forced to choose between the few English channels my hotel in Singapore gets or a terribly boring book I brought along, hoping it would be better. I might be wishing a bit for a few of the books on this week’s list after all.)

Again, in the normal “no particular order” I present you with ten books I will just probably never get around to reading…

50 Shades of Gray by E. L. James I know these were super popular, but they just never held any appeal for me. Not that I need all of my books to be super “literary” but I do think I’d like a bit more plot than it sounds like these offer and honestly, I have a hard time with the fact that that crazy relationship was somehow twisted to be a positive and mutually respectful one. Not really a score for feminism, I’m afraid.

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky– I just never went down the Russian literature road and don’t really see it in my future. I did read Anna Karenina and was so annoyed with her character that I didn’t go any farther with the genre.

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert­- Again, a caveat on this one, as I may end up picking it up by the end of the year since I am currently studying travel literature, a topic I find fascinating, but this one never drew me in. It feels so overly self-indulgent and self-centered. I’m all for travel narratives that incorporate personal growth along the way (a theme heavily relied on in many travel narratives by female writers), but this one just seems over the top. (Again, having not read it, I base that on what I have read/heard about the book, so it is probably not a totally fair summary, but since this week’s list is of books we don’t plan to read, I assume we are all in the same boat on that particular issue.)

It by Stephen King– Just too scary! There is no way I could make it through this book without having to store it in my freezer, a Joey move from Friends. I saw the movie the summer I graduated from high school and didn’t sleep well for weeks. There is no way I could handle the imagines my mind would come up with if I were reading it.

Moby Dick by Herman Melville– This is probably sacrilegious considering I have a BA in literature and am currently working on an MA in literature, but Moby Dick just isn’t for me. I had to read it as an undergraduate and somehow skimmed enough of it to take part in class discussions and was lucky enough to find totally unrelated topics for my term papers because skimming is a pretty generous term for what I did on this book. My undergrad days were before internet was super useful for such searches, so I basically read topic sentences, a paragraph or two per chapter and called it in when it came to class participation. I definitely will not be picking this one up again! The white whale may be been Ismael’s nemesis, but this narrative is mine!

Snow by Orhan Pamuk- I tried. I really did. It was a Nobel Prize winner, after all. And yet, I just couldn’t get into it. I think I stuck it out for about 100 pages before finally setting it aside, something I rarely do with books. I’m a bit of a finisher when it comes to books, even the ones I don’t totally love because I never know when I am going to miss out on something spectacular. Any maybe I am. I must be. It won a Nobel Prize, after all…

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson- The first of these books came out in English while I was in the Peace Corps, so I wasn’t able to jump on the bandwagon early and then they became so crazy popular I was kind of turned off by them. But, the more I learned, the less likely I was to pick up this series anyway. Graphic violence is just not my thing, either in books or movies, and I feel like there was enough of this to make me look other places with my book buying dollars.

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks- (Or any of his other books, to be honest.) I have a sister-in-law who is going to kill me for this addition to the list, but I’ve just never been able to get on the Sparks bandwagon. I don’t know why. I am not much of a fan of romance novels and judging by the books covers (a no-no, I know) it seems like they all follow a very similar plotline with few characters outside the realms of middle class white folk.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values by Robert M. Persig- I gave this one a shot. Actually, several shots. Over the years this one has been recommended to me time and time again, but each time I pick it up I don’t make it far before being thoroughly confused and bored. I know it is supposed to be deep and meaningful, but I can barely follow the plot/theories and often end up thinking about lunch, a nap, the laundry and just about anything else other than the words on the page. Even if it is pushed my way again, I doubt I’ll give it another go.

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling– I am putting this one last so that maybe people won’t give up on me until they’ve read the rest of my list. I know for a lot of book-folks out there, this is the be-all, end-all of series, but I just never really go into it. (Please don’t hate me!) I read the first two. Liked the first one a lot, felt indifferent enough about the second I never picked up the third. I saw the first movie and called it good after one there as well and I have no real intentions of going back to the books at this point. I never say never though…

After finishing this week’s list, I’m not sure I’m as enamored with the topic as I was when I started writing an hour ago. I feel so negative about books right now!(In my defense, I had a hard time coming up with ten books/series, so there is much more good stuff out there!) There are so many great ones out there and even those on my list are loved by loyal readers, so I feel bad panning them because they aren’t my cup of tea. In the end, read what makes you happy! This is my list of books I doubt I’ll ever pick up, but as I learned on Reading Rainbow many years ago, “Don’t take my word for it!” Find a book, a series or an author you love and read until there is nothing else to read.

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13 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I Will Probably Never Read

  1. Yeah It by Stephen King was a bit scary. At this point I will probably avoid most Stephen Kings because I’m a wimp. I read Salem’s Lot in high school and had to sleep with a cross under my pillow for a month. I’m Jewish.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha! This made me literally laugh out loud! I saw the movie It with some friends the summer after we graduated from high school. We had to make group trips to the bathroom the rest of the weekend and I think we all spend the entire summer slightly terrified of our own shadows.


  2. The movie It really freaked me out as a kid (maybe 10). Some of the other movies didn’t but I have never been interested in reading Stephen King.

    I will probably read the Stieg Larson series at some point.

    I don’t care for the classics. I read a couple here or there but they are one of my least favorite genres. C+P looks like a brutal book to page through.


  3. I am right there with you on Nicholas Sparks books. I just don’t get into that kind of story. I am kind of intrigued by The Last Ride but I believe it’s because it stars Scott Eastwood and I am amazed at how much he looks like his dad. “It” is one of my favorite books of all time, but if you don’t enjoy horror, it definitely isn’t the book for you. Nice list and thanks for popping by my blog!


  4. The third HP book is the best! You should give them another try. =) I haven’t read any of the others on your list. I tried The Notebook once but it was SO BORING that I had to stop.


  5. Nicholas Sparks’ books don’t do anything for me. After reading one of his books, I feel like every other one is quite similar and I dare to say it ‘cliche’ in a way! Totally understand where you’re coming from here!

    Thanks for sharing your list!


  6. Fifty Shades and Moby Dick made my list too. I forgot about Eat, Pray, Love. That one I picked up a few years ago – I loved Eat. Then I got to Pray and put it down. Haven’t picked it back up since. Maybe one day. Don’t worry about Harry Potter. I have Hunger Games on my list. 🙂 I know a lot of people don’t understand that. My husband only made it through two HP’s as well.


  7. I included 50 shades on my list as well. It’s not something I plan to pick up ever. I attempted to read Eat, Love Pray and I ended up DNF. I just couldn’t get past half of it and its something I may never pick up again. I love Nicholas Sparks books but I can see where you are coming from some of his books are very similar. I’m a huge Harry Potter fan but I definitely understand they’re not everyone’s cup of tea.

    Tina, The Bookworm


  8. I am stunned. Harry Potter? Really? I could totally give you a pass on 50 Shades. I read it…it’s not that great. I mostly enjoy that it’s totally a fan fiction revamp of Twilight. Crime & Punishment and Moby Dick? Yep. They’ll probably end up on my lists as well. I don’t need to wade through a book. But Harry? I’m so sad about that one.


  9. #2 was, by a lot, the worst HP book. You really may want to pick up #3 and see if you feel differently. On the other hand, there is so much to read you’ll never get to it all in your life so you have to be choosy. I feel the exact same way about Pamuk – we must be missing something together because I keep saying the same thing – he got a Nobel and all…


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